Financial Center Manager Madeline Zega
How long have you been with Spencer?
I came to Spencer in May of 2004 to open the Branch in North Caldwell.
Why do you feel the bank is so successful in creating long-term relationships with its customers?
The people in the branches really do build relationships with their customers. They know them by name, they ask how they are, and they make them feel at home. The bank supports us in going above and beyond for our customers. We really are part of the community and since Spencer doesn’t have many layers, problem solving is made easy.
What is the business climate like in your region, and how does Spencer help local businesses find and leverage opportunity?
I believe local businesses are tired of the big banks and like the smaller community banks. Spencer is creating new products and services that help simplify their banking. My favorite saying is “Simplify your banking so you can spend more time running your business”.
What’s the best thing about being a branch manager?
Mentoring is the best part of being a branch manager. I love to see former employees do well, not only in business but also in life. I also love getting to know business owners and learning about their businesses. Their passion and dedication makes me want to be part of it and help them grow.
What makes for a great branch team?
Respect for each other and working toward a mutual goal.
What do customers have to say about what it’s like to work with your team?
Our customers always say “everybody is so nice and so helpful”. My staff really cares about our customers. My assistant and I visit elderly customers that can’t get out, business owners that can’t get to the branch, and customers that can’t get to the branch during normal business hours.
What do you love most about living and working in your area?
What I love most is that everybody knows your name, you know the history of the community, and you are involved in the community fostering new relationships and growing existing ones, while developing a personal rapport.
Are there any events planned with the community this Spring or Summer?
I am involved with the North Essex Chamber of Commerce and we do have the “Taste of Essex” and “Women 2 Women Spring Tea” coming up. I also belong to the Fairfield Rotary and we are planning another “Blood Drive” and a “Pancake Breakfast” teaming up with the VFW in town.